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Word Keyboard Shortctus

Word Keyboard Shortctus (246 Shortcuts)

Navigating within Word Documents with Keybboard Shortcuts
1ENDTo the end of a line
2HOMETo the beginning of a line
3CTRL+ARROW LEFTOne word to the left
4CTRL+ARROW RIGHTOne word to the right
5CTRL+ARROW UPOne paragraph up
6CTRL+ARROW DOWNOne paragraph down
7ARROW RIGHTOne character to the right
8ARROW leftOne character to the left
9ARROW UPUp one line
10ARROW DOWNDown one line
11TABOne cell to the right (in a table)
12SHIFT+TABOne cell to the left (in a table)
13PAGE UPUp one screen (scrolling)
14PAGE DOWNDown one screen (scrolling)
15CTRL+PAGE DOWNTo the top of the next page
16CTRL+PAGE UPTo the top of the previous page
17ALT+CTRL+PAGE UPTo the top of the window
18ALT+CTRL+PAGE DOWNTo the end of the window
19CTRL+ENDTo the end of a document
20CTRL+HOMETo the beginning of a document
21SHIFT+F5To a previous revision (change to the document)
22SHIFT+F5After opening a document to the location it was in when the document was last closed
Word Keyboard Shortcuts for Formatting Word dcouments
23CTRL+BApply bold formatting
24CTRL+UApply an underline
25CTRL+IApply italic formatting
26CTRL+SHIFT+KFormat letters as small capitals
27CTRL+SHIFT+WUnderline words but not spaces
28CTRL+SHIFT+DDouble-underline text
29CTRL+SHIFT+AFormat letters as all capitals. Pressing it again reverses it.
30CTRL+SHIFT+FChange the ffont
31CTRL+SHIFT+PChange the font size
32CTRL+SHIFT+CCopy formatting from text
33CTRL+SHIFT+VApply copied formatting to text
34CTRL+SHIFT+>Increase the font size
35CTRL+SHIFT+<Decrease the font size
36CTRL+]Increase the font size by 1 point
37CTRL+[Decrease the font size by 1 point
38CTRL+DChange the formatting of characters (Menu: Format - Font)
39SHIFT+F3Change the case of letters (all upper, all lower or mixed)
40CTRL+=Apply subscript formatting (+ and = should be on the same key)
41CTRL+SHIFT++Apply superscript formatting (+ and = should be on the same key)
42CTRL+SHIFT+*Display nonprinting characters
43CTRL+SPACEBARRemove manual character formatting.
44CTRL+SHIFT+QChange the selection to the Symbol font
45SHIFT+F1Review text formatting
46CTRL+SHIFT+CCopy formats
47CTRL+SHIFT+VPaste formats
48CTRL+1Single-space lines
49CTRL+2Double-space lines
50CTRL+5Set 1.5-line spacing
51CTRL+0Add or remove one line space preceding a paragraph
52CTRL+ECenter a paragraph
53CTRL+JJustify a paragraph
54CTRL+LLeft align a paragraph
55CTRL+RRight align a paragraph
56CTRL+MIndent a paragraph from the left
57CTRL+SHIFT+MRemove a paragraph indent from the left
58CTRL+TCreate a hanging indent
59CTRL+SHIFT+TReduce a hanging indent
60CTRL+QRemove paragraph formatting
61CTRL+SHIFT+SApply a style
62ALT+CTRL+KStart AutoFormat
63CTRL+SHIFT+NApply the Normal style
64ALT+CTRL+1Apply the Heading 1 style
65ALT+CTRL+2Apply the Heading 2 style
66ALT+CTRL+3Apply the Heading 3 style
67CTRL+SHIFT+LApply the List style
Working with Word Dialog Boxes in Word (e.g. Open Document)
68CTRL+O or CTRL+F12Display the Open dialog box
69F12Display the Save As dialog box
70TABMove forward between options or areas in the dialog box
71SHIFT+TABMove forward between options or areas in the dialog box
72F4 or ALT+IOpen the Look in or Save in list
73ALT+1Go to the previous folder
74ALT+2Open the folder up one level from the open folder (reach the same effect by pressing BACKSPACE after pressing SHIFT+TAB to move the focus to the directory tree)
75ALT+4Delete the selected folder or file (Delete button)
76ALT+5Create a new subfolder in the open folder (Create New Folder button)
77ALT+6Switch between List, Details, Properties Preview Thumbnails, Tiles and Icons views (click the arrow next to Views)
78ALT+7 or ALT+LShow the Tools menu (Tools button).
79SHIFT+F10Simulates right mouse button
80HOMEMove to the beginning of the entry.
81ENDMove to the end of the entry.
82ARROW LEFT or ARROW RIGHTMove one character to the left or right.
83CTRL+ARROW LEFTMove one word to the left.
84CTRL+ARROW RIGHTMove one word to the right.
85SHIFT+ARROW LEFTSelect or unselect one character to the left.
86SHIFT+ARROW RIGHTSelect or unselect one character to the right.
87CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW LEFTSelect or unselect one word to the left.
88CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW RIGHTSelect or unselect one word to the right.
89SHIFT+HOMESelect from the insertion point to the beginning of the entry.
90SHIFT+ENDSelect from the insertion point to the end of the entry.
91F5Update the files visible in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu)
Working with the Word Help Task Pane using Keyboard Shortcuts
92F1Display the Help task pane
93F6Switch between the Help task pane and the Word Work Area
94TABSelect the next item in the Help task pane
95SHIFT+TABSelect the previous item in the Help task pane
96ENTERPerform the action for the selected item
97ARROW DOWNARROW UPIn a table of contentsselect the next and previous item
98ARROW RIGHTARROW LEFTIn a table of contentsexpand and collapse the selected item respectively
99ALT+ARROW LEFTMove back to the previous task pane
100ALT+ARROW RIGHTMove forward to the next task pane
101CTRL+SPACEBAROpen the menu of task panes
102CTRL+F1Close and reopen the current task pane
103ARROW RIGHTExpand a +/- list
104ARROW LEFTCollapse a +/- list
Create, view and save Word documents with Shortcuts
105CTRL+NCreate a new document of the same type as the current or most recent document
106CTRL+OOpen a document
107CTRL+WClose a document
108ALT+CTRL+SSplit the document window
109ALT+SHIFT+CRemove the document window split
110CTRL+SSave a document
111CTRL+FFind text
112ALT+CTRL+YRepeat find (after closing Find and Replace window)
113CTRL+HReplace text
114CTRL+GGo to a page
115ALT+CTRL+ZSwitch between documents or sections of a document
116ESCCancel an action
117CTRL+ZUndo an action
118CTRL+YRedo or repeat an action
Working with the Word Help Window using Keyboard Shortcuts
119TABSelect the next hidden text or hyperlink or Show All or Hide All at the top of a topic
120SHIFT+TABSelect the previous item
121ENTERPerform the action for the selected item
122ALT+ARROW LEFTMove back to the previous Help topic
123ALT+ARROW RIGHTMove forward to the next Help topic
124CONTROL+PPrint the current Help topic
125ARROW UPARROW DOWNScroll small amounts up and down
126PAGE UPPAGE DOWNScroll larger amounts up and down
127ALT+UChange the Help window from being separate from (untiled) to connected to (tiled) Word
128SHIFT+F10Simulates right mouse button
Working with the Word Outline view
129ALT+SHIFT+ARROW LEFTPromote a paragraph
130ALT+SHIFT+ARROW RIGHTDemote a paragraph
131CTRL+SHIFT+NDemote to body text
132ALT+SHIFT+ARROW UPMove selected paragraphs up
133ALT+SHIFT+ARROW DOWNMove selected paragraphs down
134ALT+SHIFT++Expand text under a heading
135ALT+SHIFT+-Collapse text under a heading
136ALT+SHIFT+AExpand or collapse all text or headings
137/ on numeric keypadHide or display character formatting
138ALT+SHIFT+LShow the first line of body text or all body text
139ALT+SHIFT+1Show all headings with the Heading 1 style
140CTRL+TABInsert a tab character
Change View in Word with Keyboard Shortcuts
141ALT+CTRL+PSwitch to print layout view
142ALT+CTRL+OSwitch to outline view
143ALT+CTRL+NSwitch to normal view
144ALT+RSwitch to Reading View
Access and use menus and toolbars in Word 2003
145F10 or ALTSelect the menu
146CTRL+TAB orCTRL+SHIFT+TABSelect a task pane or toolbar after pressing F10 or ALT to select the menu bar
147TAB or SHIFT+TABSelect the next or previous button or menu after pressing F10 or ALT
148ENTEROpen the selected menu or perform the action for the selected button or command
149SHIFT+F10Simulates right mouse button
150ALT+SPACEBARDisplay the title bar shortcut menu
151ARROW KEYSNavigate in menu after pressing F10 or ALT
152HOME or ENDSelect the first or last command on the menu or submenu
153ESCClose an open menu When a submenu is open close only the submenu
154SHIFT+ARROW DOWNOpen the selected menu
155CTRL+ARROW DOWNWhen a shortened menu is opendisplay the full set of commands
Working with Word 2003 Task Panes
156CTRL+F1Open the task pane or hide the current task pane
157F6Move to a task pane from another pane in the program window (You may need to press F6 more than once)
158CTRL+TABWhen a menu or toolbar is active, move to a task pane (You may need to press CTRL+TAB more than once)
159CTRL+SPACEBAROpen the menu of task panes
160ALT+HOMEGo to the Getting Started task pane
161ALT+ARROW LEFTReverse the sequence of task panes you opened
162ALT+ARROW RIGHTRepeat the sequence of task panes you opened
163ESCClose a menu if one is currently open or go back to the document
164TAB or SHIFT+TABWhen a task pane is active select the next or previous option in the task pane
165ARROW DOWN or ARROW UPMove among choices in a selected submenu or move among certain options in a group of options
166SPACEBAR or ENTEROpen the selected menu or perform the action assigned to the selected button
167SHIFT+F10Open a shortcut menu in a document
168HOME or ENDWhen a menu or submenu is visible select the first or last command on the menu or submenu
169PAGE UP or PAGE DOWNScroll up or down in the selected gallery list
170CTRL+ARROW RIGHTExpand collapsible item in the gallery list
171CTRL+ARROW LEFTCollapse a collapsible item in the gallery list
172CTRL+HOME orCTRL+ENDMove to the top or bottom of the selected gallery list
Insert special characters
173CTRL+F9Insert a field
174SHIFT+ENTERInsert a line break
175CTRL+ENTERInsert a page break
176CTRL+SHIFT+ENTERInsert a section break
177CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBARInsert a nonbreaking space
178ALT+CTRL+CInsert the copyright symbol
179ALT+CTRL+RInsert the registered trademark symbol
180ALT+CTRL+TInsert the trademark symbol
181ALT+CTRL+.Insert an ellipsis
182Number and ALT+XInsert characters by using Unicode character code For example type 20AC in a regular word document, then press ALT+X
183ALT+Number on numeric keyboardInsert ANSI character for the specified ANSI (decimal) character code For example hold ALT key and press 0128 on the numeric keypad to show Euro Symbol
Working with Word Dialog Boxes
184ALT+F6Move from an open dialog box back to the document for dialog boxes such as Find and Replace that support this behavior
185TABMove to the next option or option group
186SHIFT+TABMove to the previous option or option group
187CTRL+TABSwitch to the next tab in a dialog box
188CTRL+SHIFT+TABSwitch to the previous tab in a dialog box
189ARROW KEYSMove between options in an open drop-down list or between options in a group of options
190SPACEBARPerform the action assigned to the selected button
191ALT+LETTERSelect the underlined option
192ALT+ARROW DOWNOpen a selected drop-down list
193ESCClose a selected drop-down list
194ENTERRun the selected command
Delete text and graphics with Shortcuts
195BACKSPACEDelete one character to the left
196CTRL+BACKSPACEDelete one word to the left
197DELETEDelete one character to the right
198CTRL+DELETEDelete one word to the right
199CTRL+XCut selected text to the Office Clipboard
200CTRL+ZUndo the last action
201CTRL+F3Cut to the Spike
Copy and move text and graphics
202CTRL+CCopy text or graphics
203F2 then ENTERF2 move the insertion point and press ENTER moves text or graphics
204ALT+F3Create AutoText
205CTRL+VPaste the Office Clipboard contents
206CTRL+SHIFT+F3Paste the Spike
207ALT+SHIFT+RCopy the header or footer used in the previous section of the document
Using Word Keyboard for selecting Text
208SHIFTSelect text by holding down SHIFT and pressing the key that moves the insertion point
209CTRLSelect multiple areas that aren not next to each other After making your first selectionhold down CTRLand then select any other items you want
210F8Turn extend selection mode on. Then use for example ARROW KEYS to extend selection
211SHIFT+F8Reduce the size of a selection
212ESCTurn extend mode off
213SHIFT+ARROW RIGHTExtend selection one character to the right
214SHIFT+ARROW LEFTExtend selection one character to the left
215CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW RIGHTExtend selection to the end of a word
216CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW LEFTExtend selection to the beginning of a word
217SHIFT+ENDExtend selection o the end of a line
218SHIFT+HOMEExtend selection o the beginning of a line
219SHIFT+ARROW DOWNExtend selection one line down
220SHIFT+ARROW UPExtend selection one line up
221CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW DOWNExtend selection to the end of a paragraph
222CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW UPExtend selection to the beginning of a paragraph
223SHIFT+PAGE DOWNExtend selection one screen down
224SHIFT+PAGE UPExtend selection one screen up
225CTRL+SHIFT+HOMEExtend selection to the beginning of a document
226CTRL+SHIFT+ENDExtend selection to the end of a document
227ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE DOWNExtend selection to end of a window
228CTRL+ASelect the the entire document
229CTRL+SHIFT+F8And then use the arrow keys: Select a vertical block of text. Press ESC to cancel selection mode
Working with Word Tables with Keyboard Shortcuts
230TABJump/ Select the next cells contents
231SHIFT+TABJump/ Select the preceding cells contents
232SHIFT+ARROW KEYSHold down SHIFT and press an arrow key repeatedly extends a selection to adjacent cells
233ALT+5 on the numeric keypadSelect an entire table (with NUM LOCK off)
234ALT+HOMEJump to first cell in a row
235ALT+ENDJump to last cell in a row
236ALT+PAGE UPJump to first cell in a column
237ALT+PAGE DOWNJump to last cell in a column
238ARROW UPGo to previous row
239ARROW DOWNGo to next row
240ENTERNew paragraphs in a cell
241CTRL+TABTab characters in a cell
Other frequent Word Shortcuts
242CTRL+PPrint a document
243ALT+CTRL+MInsert a comment
244CTRL+SHIFT+ETurn track changes on or off
245ALT+CTRL+FInsert a footnote
246ALT+CTRL+DInsert an endnote


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