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Google Chrome Keyboard Shortctus

Google Chrome Keyboard Shortctus (45 Shortcuts)

Chrome General Windows and tabbed Browsing Shortcuts
1ctrl+nOpen a new window
2ctrl+tOpen a new tab
3ctrl+shift+NOpen a new window in incognito mode
4ctrl+O then select fileOpen a file from your computer in Google Chrome
5ctrl and click a linkOpen link in a new tab
6shift and click a linkOpen link in a new window
7alt+f4Close current window
8ctrl+shift+tReopen the last tab you have closed. Google Chrome remembers the last 10 tabs you closed.
9drag link to tabOpen link in specified tab
10drag link to space between tabsOpen link in a new tab in the specified position on the tab strip
11ctrl+1 through ctrl+8Switch to the tab at the specified position number. The number you press represents the position of the tab on the tab strip.
12ctrl+9Switch to the last tab
13ctrl+tab or ctrl+page downSwitch to the next tab
14ctrl+shift+tab or ctrl+page downSwitch to the previous tab
15ctrl+w or ctrl+f4Close current tab or pop-up
16alt+homeOpen your homepage
Chrome General Windows and tabbed Browsing Shortcuts
17Type a search termPerform a search using your default search engine
18Type the part of the web address that is between www. and .com, then pressctrl+enterAdd www.and .com to your input in the address bar and open the web address
19Type a search engine keyword or URL, press tab, then type a searchPerform a search using the search engine associated with the keyword or the URI
20f6 or ctrl+l or alt+dHighlight content in the web address area
21Type a web address, then press alt+enterOpen your web address in a new tab
Google Chrome Address Bar Shortcuts
22ctrl+bToggle bookmarks bar on and off
23ctrl+hView the History page
24ctrl+jView the Downloads page
25shift+escapeView the Task manager
26shift+alt+tSet focus on the toolbar. Use right and left arrows on the keyboard to navigate to different buttons on the toolbar.
Shortcuts to open Google Chrome Features
27ctrl+pPrint your current page
28ctrl+shift+g or shift+f3Save your current page
29f5Reload current page
30escapeStop page loading
31ctrl+f5 or shift+f5Reload current page, ignoring cached content
32Press alt, and click a linkDownload link
33ctrl+f5 or shift+f5Open find-in-page box
34ctrl+g or f3Find next match for your input in the find-in-page box
35ctrl+shift+g or shift+f3Find previous match for your input in the find-in-page box
36ctrl+uView source
37Drag link to bookmarks barBookmark the link
38ctrl+dBookmark your current webpage
39ctrl++Make text larger
40ctrl+-Make text smaller
41ctrl+0Return to normal text size
Text-based Shortcuts
42Highlight content, then press ctrl+cCopy content to the clipboard
43Place your cursor in a text field, then pressctrl+v or shift+insertPaste current content from the clipboard
44Place your cursor in a text field, then pressctrl+shift+vPaste current content from the clipboard without formatting
45Highlight content in a text field, then pressctrl+x or shift+deleteDelete the content and copy it to the clipboard

Source: Google Chrome Help

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