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Fireworks Keyboard Shortctus

Fireworks Keyboard Shortctus (84 Shortcuts)

Shortcuts for selecting and working with Fireworks Tools
1V or 0Choose the Pointer tool (black arrow). Switching tools is a common task within Macromedia Fireworks. Pressing the v key or the 0 key switches to the Pointer Tool. Pressing it again switches between the Pointer and Select Behind Tool.
2A or 1Choose the Subselector Tool (white arrow). This tool is pretty handy for selecting parts of complex elements.
3TChoose the Text Tool
4BChoose the Brush Tool
5CChoose the Crop Tool
6EChoose the Erasor Tool
7GChoose the Paintbucket Tool
8HChoose the Hand Tool
9IChoose the Eyedropper Tool
10JChoose the Polygon Hotspot Tool
11KSelect the Slice Tool
12LSelect the Lasso Tool
13MSelect the Marqee Tool
14NSelect the Line Tool
15PSelect the Pen Tool
16QSelect the Scale Tool
17RSelect the Blur Tool
18SSelect the Rubber Stamp
19USelect the Rectangle Tool
20WSelect the Magic Wand Tool
21ZMagnify Tool
Working With Fireworks Files using Shortcuts
22STRG+NCreate a new Fireworks document. It directs you to the new document menu from where you can set canvas size, resolution and color. Also good to know: if you have an image in the Clipboard, Fireworks automatically pre-set the new documents dimensions
23CTRL+OOpens an existing Fireworks MX document
24CTRL+SSaves the current Fireworks MX document
25CTRL+SHIFT+RExport File
26CTRL+SHIFT+XExport Preview
28CTRL+RImport file
29CTRL+PPrint file
30CTRL+QQuit Fireworks
31CTRL+WClose current Window
Using the Fireworks Zoom Feature with Keyboard Shortcuts
32CTRL++ ahdCTRL+-Zoom in and/or out: The easiest way to change the current zoom level is to press the ctrl++ keyboard shortcut to zoom in and to press ctrl+- to zoom out again.
33CTRL+0Fit Selection
34CTRL+550 % Magnification
35CTRL+1100 % Magnification
36CTRL+2200 % Magnification
37CTRL+4400 % Magnification
38CTRL+8800 % Magnification
39CTRL+33200 % Magnification
40CTRL+66400 % Magnification
41CTRL+ALT+0Zoom to selection
Working with Fireworks Objects
42CTRL+G,CTRL+SHIFT+GGroups and un-groups objects. For ungrouping, just add the shift key to the combination and press ctrl+shift+g
43CTRL+ASelects all objects. Presssing this keyboard shortcut selects all objects on the active canvas. Easy to remember, since it is used in most applications for selecting all.
44XSwitch Fill and Stroke colors in color wells
45F9Show/Hide blue lines around selected objects
46CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW UPBring object to front
47CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW DOWNSend object to back
48CTRL+ARROW UPBring object forward
49CTRL+ARROW DOWNSend object backwards
50CTRL+ALT+1Align objects left (when multiple objects are selected)
51CTRL+ALT+2Align objects center vertical (when multiple objects are selected)
52CTRL+ALT+3Align objects right (when multiple objects are selected)
53CTRL+ALT+4Align objects top (when multiple objects are selected)
54CTRL+ALT+5Align objects center horizontal (when multiple objects are selected)
55CTRL+ALT+6Align objects bottom (when multiple objects are selected)
56CTRL+SHIFT+UInsert Hotspot
57CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+CCopy Attributes from one object
58CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+VPaste Attributes to another object
59CTRL+ALT+DDuplicate Object
Image and Canvas Manipulation in Fireworks
60CTRL+SHIFT+TNumeric Transformation
61CTRL+ALT+TTrim Canvas
62CTRL+ALT+FFit Canvas
63CTRL+SHIFT+9Rotate Object 90 Degrees Clockwise
64CTRL+SHIFT+7Rotate Object 90 Degrees Counter-Clockwise
Ruler and Guides with Keybaord Shortcuts
65CTRL+ALT+RShow/Hide Ruler
66CTRL+;Show/Hide Guides (if there are any guides in the document)
67CTRL+SHIFT+;Snap/ Unsnap to Guides
68CTRL+ALT+;Lock/ Unlock Guides
Basic Fireworks Commands using Keyboard Shortcuts
71CTRL+UFireworks Preferences
72FChange between Full Screen and Normal Screen
73TABF4Show/Hide Tool Windows
74CTRL+SHIFT+FConvert object to Path
75CTRL+SHIFT+IInverse Selection (when for example part of bitmap is selected)
Working with Text in Fireworks
76CTRL+SHIFT+.Increase Text size
77CTRL+SHIFT+,Decrease Text size
78CTRL+BApply bold formatting
79CTRL+IApply italic formatting
80Ctrl+Alt+Shift+LAlign Left
81Ctrl+Alt+Shift+CAlign Centered Horizontally
82Ctrl+Alt+Shift+RAlign Right
83Ctrl+Alt+Shift+JAlign Justified
84Ctrl+Alt+Shift+SAlign Stretched


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